No, You Can't Move Back Home

Editorial Note: We love our kids but at some point it is good for them to move out. I know a number of families who have adult children living at home. Every situation is different. Kristen Mcmahon has contributed her thoughts on helping your kids move along on their way. No, You Can't Move Back Home: Keep Your Kid Out in the Real World by Kristen Mcmahon No matter how well your children did in school, there's always a little fear that they may move back home with you after college. Thirty years ago, moving in with your parents was something you only did as a last resort. The world has changed; according to Bill Pratt, one of the authors of " How to Keep Your Kid from Moving Back Home after College ," up to 80 percent of college graduates now move back in with their parents after graduation. How can you turn your children into independent young adults, determined to find their own home away from yours? Prepare them before and during their college years. ...