April Fools Day

One March 16th I have to make sure to wear something green to bed so that when I wake up on the morning of March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) I won't get pinched by the kids. But its really hard to know how to prepare for April 1. Several years ago my kids realized that the tides had turned and they were able to outsmart the parents. For years we had been able to play little April Fools Day jokes on the kids. It was all great fun. But then it happened. One early April 1st I went to the kitchen sink to fill up the coffee pot with water to get a pot of coffee started. I put the empty pot of coffee under the faucet and turned on the water. All of a sudden I was being dowsed with water spraying out of the hose on the sink. The handle that you need to press to get the water to spray had been taped open and the direction of the hose pointed directly to the middle of the sink ensuring maximum dowsage. Squeals of delight came from just outside...